September - October 2022
The Messenger
I love discovering new things, especially in the Bible. That's why I got the Strong's Exhaustive
Concordance of the Bible. I have to tell you – it is a big heavy book. But it is chock full of
biblical scholarship: Greek and Hebrew dictionaries, topical index for The Bible, and the most
comprehensive Concordance of Bible words for easy lookup! I wanted it, in order that I could
discover some of the Hebrew/Chaldee or Greek words, their spelling and definition. Knowing
a little bit about the ancient languages of the Bible gives one a better understanding what the
verses are really saying.
When the new Church Library is finished, I hope you will go in there and look at the wonderful selection of Bible reference books and devotionals helps that we have for you. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance will be one of them. One of the things I was looking up was the Hebrew account in the Old Testament of God’s Ark, the Ark that Noah built. Then July 8th happened! A group of us were blessed to go to the ARK Encounter in northern Kentucky. WOW!
So beautiful - splendid in every respect. To see a life-sized model of The Ark before your eyes, off in the distance was majestic enough. Then when you walk towards it and you enter it – breathtaking! One day is not enough to fully appreciate God's design and Noah's family as they built the ark, as they were mocked by the rest of the world. That is why Pastor Jeff is recommending a longer trip to both the ARK Encounter and the Creation Museum next spring (both museums are quite close).
I'm planning to go. I can hardly wait. I will study some more to prepare myself. Remember when I was writing about having strong confidence in the LORD, our refuge, (Proverbs 14: 26). It wasn't just what I experienced, but what I learned from the scriptures. The witness of Moses when he blessed the tribes before his death, (Duet. 33:27, Ps. 90 and 91). David in Psalms 18, 61 and 144, as well as others. Well, here's a another, "The name of
the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe," (Proverbs 18: 10). This is
what The Ark was for me. It was a visible tangible real embodiment of God’s holy lovely
strong name!
Noah and his family, and the remnant of animals from the earth, were “in”
God’s huge hand as exemplified by The Ark – the Ark HE caused to be built for that special
mission. Aren’t you glad to be in HIS hands right now, and serving HIM, in HIS church, for the
special mission that we have been given for our own time and place?
~Guest Columnist
The Messenger
I love discovering new things, especially in the Bible. That's why I got the Strong's Exhaustive
Concordance of the Bible. I have to tell you – it is a big heavy book. But it is chock full of
biblical scholarship: Greek and Hebrew dictionaries, topical index for The Bible, and the most
comprehensive Concordance of Bible words for easy lookup! I wanted it, in order that I could
discover some of the Hebrew/Chaldee or Greek words, their spelling and definition. Knowing
a little bit about the ancient languages of the Bible gives one a better understanding what the
verses are really saying.
When the new Church Library is finished, I hope you will go in there and look at the wonderful selection of Bible reference books and devotionals helps that we have for you. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance will be one of them. One of the things I was looking up was the Hebrew account in the Old Testament of God’s Ark, the Ark that Noah built. Then July 8th happened! A group of us were blessed to go to the ARK Encounter in northern Kentucky. WOW!
So beautiful - splendid in every respect. To see a life-sized model of The Ark before your eyes, off in the distance was majestic enough. Then when you walk towards it and you enter it – breathtaking! One day is not enough to fully appreciate God's design and Noah's family as they built the ark, as they were mocked by the rest of the world. That is why Pastor Jeff is recommending a longer trip to both the ARK Encounter and the Creation Museum next spring (both museums are quite close).
I'm planning to go. I can hardly wait. I will study some more to prepare myself. Remember when I was writing about having strong confidence in the LORD, our refuge, (Proverbs 14: 26). It wasn't just what I experienced, but what I learned from the scriptures. The witness of Moses when he blessed the tribes before his death, (Duet. 33:27, Ps. 90 and 91). David in Psalms 18, 61 and 144, as well as others. Well, here's a another, "The name of
the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe," (Proverbs 18: 10). This is
what The Ark was for me. It was a visible tangible real embodiment of God’s holy lovely
strong name!
Noah and his family, and the remnant of animals from the earth, were “in”
God’s huge hand as exemplified by The Ark – the Ark HE caused to be built for that special
mission. Aren’t you glad to be in HIS hands right now, and serving HIM, in HIS church, for the
special mission that we have been given for our own time and place?
~Guest Columnist
Ark Encounter
Creation Museum
Genesis 1
Genesis 2
God's Word
God\'s Word
God\\\'s Word
Jesus Christ
King James Version
Mary and Joseph
New Year
Proverbs 14:26
The Ark
The Word of God
pastor's response