How it began...
Concord Baptist Church was begun in 1838 as “Hebron Baptist” on a hillside in the midst of a few family farms. Pike County was still a frontier county at the time, and seven families were led by the Holy Spirit to form this new church where none existed. Land was donated and a wood-frame building was erected. Descendants of those founding families are still a part of the church today. When the town of Concord was chartered in the late 1800’s, the church relocated to town on the property where the buildings now stands. On September 6, 1942, the church took the name of “Concord Baptist Church.” In 1957, two new Buildings were erected, giving the church a Fellowship Hall and a Children's Building with 8 additional rooms for Sunday school classes and Wednesday night gatherings.

Expanding the vision...
Pike County still retains its rural charm at the fast-growing south edge of the Atlanta suburbs. The church buildings also retain their small-church red-brick charm, while the church family is experiencing steady growth. The church has programs for all ages, from nursery to seniors, a musically-blended worship service each Sunday morning, and solid Bible teaching and preaching. Come and see, and you can be involved in missions and ministries both locally and in other countries.
Where we're headed...
Concord and its surrounding areas are filling in with new houses and new businesses. God is sending our city new souls who need a church family to call home. Concord Baptist Church is embracing this newest vision of serving even more families. We are committed to growing our Ministerial Staff and providing additional modern facilities. Our current project is to build a 10,000 Sq.Ft. building for additional Sunday School classes, a larger Fellowship Hall/Dining area and a larger Worship Center. This is the first step of faith, of many steps, as our church grows into what God has planned it to be.

Come Be a part of our story...
Join us each Sunday at 9:15 am for Bible Study and at 10:30 am for our Worship Service