Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

OUR Mission

Concord Baptist Church exists to glorify God by gathering all kinds of people from throughout our community.
We're reaching out to family, friends and neighbors and introducing them to Jesus with a
Gospel-centered message and with Christ-centered worship.

Our mission is to reach all of Pike County, Georgia, North America and ALL the Nations of the Earth
by proclaiming the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ.

Our mission includes prayer, church planting partnerships, servanthood, and sending out missionaries (with
generous financial support) to the ends of the Earth with the Gospel; Good News!
Matthew 28:16-20


God has placed our church to #gather our families, friends, neighbors, the people of Concord & Pike County; to meet their spiritual needs by sharing the Gospel of
Salvation through Jesus Christ.
(Matthew 9:35-38)


We are a Gospel-Centered church that
desires to #grow continually in our
relationship with God. We want to grow
alongside our guests in a
Christ-Centered community.
(Ephesians 4:15)


God is calling us to #go with the message of the Gospel to the ends of the Earth. We help plant churches in North America and Internationally through partnerships with church planting missionaries.
(Acts 1:8)

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